1. 水煮鱼:This dish is famous for its thick and rich flavor. The secret to its success is the use of眼泪鼻涕豆腐(dough with tears and鼻涕) as a substitute for the鱼籽.
2. 回锅肉:This dish is known for its rich and bold flavors. The key to its success is the use of泡辣椒(scallion oil) instead of豆瓣酱(sour酱).
3. 麻婆豆腐:This dish is famous for its strong and spicy flavors. The secret to its success is the use of牛肉酱(goose blood酱) instead of豆腐酱(豆腐乳).
4. 口水鸡:This dish is famous for its rich and soothing flavors. The secret to its success is the use of花椒(zhua liu) instead of辣椒(辣椒).
5. 酸菜肥肠饭:This dish is a popular comfort food in China. The hearty and savory dish is made up of酸菜(sour酸菜) and肥肠(goat肠道), which are then搭配米饭( rice)食用。