

1.Introduction Food is a passion of many people, and there are many different ways to enjoy it. In this article, we will introduce you to a new菜谱, "Sour and Spicy Chicken," which is a popular dish in many parts of the world. This recipe is perfect for anyone who loves a spicy and flavorful meal.
2. Ingredients To make this dish, you will need the following ingredients: - 1 piece of chicken, cut into small pieces - 2 cups of sugar - 1 cup of red wine - 1 cup of water - 2 Tbs. of salt - 2 Tbs. of black pepper - 1 Tbs. of clove - 1 Tbs. of garlic - 1 Tbs. of lemon juice - 1/2 cup of olive oil
3. Steps Here are the steps to make Sour and Spicy Chicken: 3.1.预热烤箱至350°F

(175°C)。 3.2.将 chicken 放入烤盘,并将糖,红酒,水,盐,黑胡椒粉, garlic, lemon juice和 olive oil 放入烤盘中。 3.3.将烤盘放入烤箱中,烤约40分钟,或直到 chicken 熟透。
4. Conclusion Sour and Spicy Chicken is a delicious and spicy dish that is perfect for any meal. The sweet and spicy flavors make this dish a unique and exciting choice for anyone who loves spicy food. This recipe can be made in a few minutes, and it is easy to customize to suit your personal preferences. If you are new to spicy food, it is important to start with a small amount and gradually increase the amount as you become comfortable.

