


1. 猪肚清洗干净,切成小块备用。
2. 木鱼用清水冲洗干净,切成小块备用。
3. 热锅凉油,放入猪肚煸炒至两面金黄。
4. 加入木鱼块,继续煸炒至木鱼熟透。
5. 加入适量的清水,放入炖盅中。
6. 加入姜片、葱段、料酒,密封好炖盅放入蒸锅中,蒸1-2小时。
7. 取出炖盅,加入适量的盐和胡椒粉,即可食用。
这道菜不仅美味可口,更是一道营养丰富的佳肴。猪肚富含胶原蛋白和蛋白质,木鱼则是一种优质的蛋白质来源, both of them are very important components of bodybuilding and health.
The delicious and healthy 猪肚炖木鱼 can be enjoy by using the following steps. The猪肚 should be清洗ed well and cut into small pieces. The木鱼 should be冲洗ed well and cut into small pieces. Both the vegetables should be properly stored in a container with enough water before cooking. When cooking, they should be cooked in a slow and gentle manner until they are soft and delicious. And then, they can be served with a few slices of fresh cheese and a few fresh钻葱.
This delicious and healthy dish is a perfect choice for those who are looking for a healthy and delicious meal. It provides good quality protein and other essential elements for the body. And it is also a popular dish in our local cuisine, so it is always popular with our customers.

